PEARLS & LADYS Mentorship
Sigma Lambda Promoting Education, the Arts, our Roots, Leadership and Service is a mentorship program designed and geared toward girls ages 9 to 13 with the intention of instilling a sense of sisterhood, cultural pride, academic excellence and service to the community within its participants, through team-building activities and projects.
The Sigma Lambda PEARLS Program was piloted with a group of 15 fifth graders at P.S. 43 in the Spring of 2000 and was very successful. The PEARLS program has touched the lives of countless young girls who look to the program as an outlet for creativity and exposure to life outside their school walls and environment.
The PEARLS program is proud to currently serve the Northwest community in DC. The PEARLS program is now launching its 4th year in DC mentoring girls in 6th-8th grade. Each year our mentees, or PEARLS, are paired with one volunteer mentor, often with shared interests or similar backgrounds, who provides direct one-on-one mentorship throughout the program year. Mentees and mentors attend interactive workshops twice a month that aim to build self empowerment and confidence, raise awareness on a wide range of issues impacting youth, promote leadership and personal goal setting, and build a sense of community.
Feel free to contact our PEARLS program in DC by visiting

The Leadership, Advancement, and Development of our Young Sisters (LADYS) Program was established by Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. in the Fall of 2001 by the Theta Epsilon Graduate/Professional Chapter located in Buffalo/Rochester, New York. Understanding the sensitive issues young high school women face, the members (Hermanas) wanted to create a curriculum that addressed and managed the needs of this population. In addition, the program was initiated as a means for Hermanas and other exceptional women who are passionate about working with young people to give back to their community.
Since its inception, the LADYS Program has shown participants (ages 14-18) are more avid to complete high school, gaining college preparatory skills and successfully transitioning into post-secondary options. This includes acceptance into higher education institutions and starting professional careers.
Upon successful completion of high school and the program, active participants are awarded the Sigma Lambda LADYS Book Scholarship, a $200 scholarship to assist with the economic demands of institutions of higher learning.
Feel free to reach out to our LADYS program online at for more information. If you are interested in joining this mentorship program, please contact our Director of Philanthropy.